Installing onWebChat on Your Website

If you use a CMS like WordPress, Joomla, or OpenCart, the easiest way to install onWebChat is to use one of our free plugins. Explore our free plugins here. Alternatively, you can copy the code generated by our service and paste it into every page on your website where you wish to display the chat widget.

The installation code can be located on the Settings page, as illustrated below.

livechat system - onWebChat widget settings page

To find the installation code:

  1. Go to "Settings"
  2. Select the "Installation Code" tab

Add this code at the end of each page, just before the closing </body> tag.

Example HTML page

livechat system - onWebChat widget installation code

After adding the installation code, visit or refresh a page of your website, and the chat window will be displayed!

Experience any problems? We will be happy to assist you.

Return to "Getting started with onWebChat"
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